Personal Information

Claira Burn @burney1

My name is Claira Burn (s3850865). I was born and raised in Sydney but decided to move to Melbourne for university to get a change of scenery. I am Australian but I am a mix of a Thai mother and Austrian father, despite this the only language I can speak is English. I graduated high school in 2019 and decided to take a gap year to travel, however that did not go to plan and the only trips I made was from my room to the kitchen. I am a fan of F1 because it is on late at night and I am a night owl. My favourite driver is Daniel Ricciardo because you have to support the Aussies. I have done volunteering for Girls Programming Network teaching young girls how to code.

Louise Hill @louisehill101

My name is Louise (s3909884). I am 20 years old, and I was born and spent a lot of my childhood in Cambodia. I have a mixed heritage as my father is English. I spent the last ten years or so in Canberra and moved to Melbourne in March to change scenery. I started uni this year in hopes of doing an exchange and learning something new. In my spare time, I like to design clothes and music. I gravitated toward IT about three years ago when I was in college. I found coding very fun and used it for a few years. On top of that, many of my interests include using different software, which motivated me to become more tech-savvy.

Riley McKay @rizzam14

My name is Riley McKay (s3839145). I'm a 20-year-old second-year student studying Bachelor of Accountancy (Professional). I'm an Australian with a half Maltese background. My favorite thing to do in my free time is being with friends, whether playing games or watching AFL/NBA, or going out to eat. My first time studying IT was in high school, where I chose to do IT as an elective in year 9/10 and then further studied it throughout the rest of my high school years. However, my first interest when it came to computers was my brother when I was around 9 years old where he got me hooked on video games. With this new interest in computers, I took a very early interest in IT and computers, and now my interest in computers sparked from a young age. I am very interested and eager in IT studies, now my favorite part of IT includes Cybersecurity and database systems which also links into my accounting major.

Biar Deng @bdeng-ops

My name is Biar Deng (s3895962). I am a 19-year-old studying for a Bachelor of IT. I am a South Sudanese national who was born overseas. I speak Dinka, which is the second most widely spoken language in Sudan. Last year, I graduated from Simonds Catholic College (high school), my first year of university. One unique aspect of my personality is that I enjoy reading, whether for financial literacy or just for pleasure. In addition, soccer piques my attention. What interests me about IT is the broad impact it has. The fact that leading technology companies today can/have an enormous scale impact on millions through their products and services is impressive to me. Results such as communicating to individuals across the globe through text or call on services like Instagram are very personal to me as it's where I do most of my marketing and socializing. Moreover, I have been interested in being a part of that impact since I got my first phone at 13. Therefore, the large-scale effect that technology has interested me the most.

Dang Le @dangle3770149

My name is Dang Le (s3770149). I am a third-year student of Bachelor of Business (Marketing). I am 100% Vietnamese. My hobby is visiting art museums and exhibitions during recreation time. Spending time in the museum is a way to practice meditation. Also, understanding different art cultures help me have more creative ideas to improve my marketing work. I found interest in IT due to working as Facebook ads and website content management at the local restaurant. I found that understanding IT is essential to helping the business prevent scamming due to a lack of IT knowledge.

Group Processes

1. Brainstorming- Generating ideas, gathering information, and organizing what we need for the project.

2. Split- Split part base on the strength of each members.

3. Draft- Generating ideas, gathering information, and organizing what we need for the project.

4. Revise-Upload the most satisfied files to the group for feedback. Add or replace the part base on the unifying of members in the group.

5. Edit & Public- The final submitted file will occur and ready for the public.

Career Plan

The comment of assessment 2 showed 3 of 5 of the members had shifted their ideas jobs. Therefore, based on the skill requirement, four positions were identified and categorized into three groups. The process of comparison and contrast are following:

Group 1: Accountant vs Web Developer

Group 2: Head of IT vs IT Technical Support Analyst

Group 3: Group 1 vs Group 2

After evaluating three selected groups, the finding showed it kept the same as assessment 2; the most significant change is from WordPress developer to Web developer. Above all, the similarity between careers appeared in more details of the evaluation three findings.

In group 1, the Accountant found it relevant to the IT skill requirement; both Accountant and Web developer need a well-knowledge on using coding and mathematics. They also need to take responsibility for technical design. In explanation, Web developers will commit to coding and UI design, and Accountant will share the knowledge of mathematics for Web developers when they work as a team. The difference between the two careers is that they don't need advanced coding programming or mathematics equations. There is not much change in group 2; however, after separating from the Accountant, they found one new similarity: both of them will be able to observe, manage, and take responsibility for server issues.

Overall, the comparison and contrast of groups 1 and 2 showed four careers seen IT as a core of workflow; they can understand and manage IT tools and software. Above all, as a team, it is expected they split the work base on their strength and aim to provide a quality project. The only difference between groups 1 and 2 is the workflow's responsibility, where group 1 will be blamed for coding and testing the technical design, and group 2 are lead developers who will track group processes and manage the public data.